What We Do

Senior Campaigns

We have reached over thousands of seniors through our senior campaigns where we partner with different organisations to help educate and provide effective oral care for seniors within the community.

Kids Oral Health Education Seminars

We have reached out to various schools in the community and provide free oral health education seminars through the health curriculum in partnership with Colgate Bright Smile Bright Future. Additionally, we make an effort to go to local parks and talk to kids and provide them with free toothbrushes.

International Trips

Dental hygienist and founder of My Dream Smile, Balbir Sohi, has visited over 45 schools in India and has reached out to thousands of students to advocate for oral and overall health and hygiene. She continues to provide free toothbrushes and toothpaste during her trips. When visiting, she has met many underprivileged girls and boys who want to continue their education as well, so My Dream Smile supports or sponsors their education to help them have bright futures and careers.

Free Dental Hygiene Services

My Dream Smile has partnered with Smiles On Wheels, Colgate Canada and Durham college’s dental hygiene department to provide free services to community members in need within the Durham community. The dental hygiene students had the opportunity to get exposure to giving back to their local community, and working with students to provide free dental hygiene services. Additionally, My Dream Smile has partnered with Smiles On Wheels with the Gift from the Heart campaign for over 10 years to provide free dental hygiene services to vulnerable members of the community.

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